May 19, 2019 Step into the shoes of Ash Ketchum and follow the story based on the popular original anime series that started it all in Pokemon Ash Gray! Hack of: AshGray Beta 4.5.3 Hi, I've been working on a hack of FireRed for a Pokemon Anime Version of the game that basically follows the same events of the anime. Step into the shoes of Ash Ketchum and follow the story based on the popular original anime series that started it all in Pokemon Ash Gray! Hack of: AshGray Beta 4.5.3 Hi, I've been working on a hack of FireRed for a Pokemon Anime Version of the game that basically follows the same events of the anime. Pokemon Ash Gray 3.6.1 - DOWNLOAD c1731006c4 No registration Pokemon Ash Gray Gba Rom Pokemon Simulator 4.5, Pokemon: Generations 0.2, Pokemon 3D 0.48. Judul: Pokemon AshGray GBA Rom Download Final Version Deskripsi: Screenshot: Details: File name: Pokemon Ash Gray 3.6.1 Version: Beta 4.2 (Englis. Commentaire cliquez sur Commentaire pour laisser un commentaire-10 IATA. Baixar aplicativo.
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Hardened Trainer
Step into the shoes of Ash Ketchum and follow the story based on the popular original anime series that started it all in Pokemon Ash Gray!
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Hack of:AshGray Beta 4.5.3
Hi, I've been working on a hack of FireRed for a Pokemon Anime Version of the game that basically follows the same events of the anime. I see that there have been hacks like this already, so I'm not sure how good mine would be in comparison. But I started this because I wanted to make videos of playing Pokemon all the way through with Ash's lineup, to see just how it would go and it snowballed from there.
I'm going to cover the events from each episode in the Kanto and Orange League series. The story follows the same one as the anime, including events, etc. I've basically hacked up to half way through the Orange Islands. You should expect a new Beta every 25 episodes or so, barring updates for bugs/glitches.
Official Facebook page:
Official Pokémon AshGray Facebook page
You are Ash Ketchum. You're about to embark on your Pokémon adventure. Unfortunately, you stayed up all night watching Pokémon matches and woke up late! With all your rivals from Pallet Town (the most annoying being Gary) having taken all the starters available, it looks like you'll just have to go home ... unless you want Pikachu instead.
You're about to embark on an adventure of 116 events (plus two movie events) that will put you in Ash's shoes, allow you to catch the Pokémon he catches, and make the decisions he makes. How will your journey as Ash Ketchum play out? There's only one way to find out ...
- Play as Ash Ketchum

- Have the opportunity to catch all of the Pokémon Ash does
- Follows the same events as in the Anime Series and be rewarded with special events/items for carrying Ash's team
- New Tiles
- New Sprites
- New Maps
- New Tools to replace HMs:
Hatchet replaces HM01 Cut
Computer Teleport System replaces HM02 Fly
Raft replaces HM03 Surf
Pickaxe replaces HM06 Rock Smash
Climb Kit is added to be used as Rock Climb
Whirlpuller is added to cross whirlpools
Advance Map
OverworldEditor Rebirth Edition
Item Editor
Attack Type Editor
Hex Workshop
Fire Red Hacked Engine
Episode 1: Pokémon I Choose You
Episode 2: Pokémon Emergency
Episode 4: Challenge of the Samura
Episode 81: Pallet Party Panic
Episode 97: Tracey Gets Bugged
Episode 102: The Mystery Menace
AshGray Intro Screen:
Events form 'Pokémon I Choose You':
Events from 'The Water Flowers of Cerulean City':
Events from 'Bye Bye Butterfree':
Events form 'Pikachu's Goodbye':
Events from 'Primeape Goes Bananas':
Events from 'The Flame Pokémon-athon':
Events from 'A Scare in the Air':
Intro event from 'Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of one':
Official Ashgray Guide by Denali
Red = Critical - game-crashing glitch
Yellow = Medium - may affect gameplay
Green = Odd bug, but doesn't harm gameplay in the least
Strikethrough = Bug fixed :)
- Running Shoes don't work in Pallet Town or Route 1?
- Ash stays on Misty's bike after Pikachu thundershocks the Spearow
- Bad Eggs appearing in your Storage Boxes(DO NOT move them)
- The Pokédex thinks Onix is part of the Diglett/Dugtrio family :/ - Not a bug - FireRed's Pokedex is just weird
- Can't get on/off the bike in certain outdoor areas
- Teachy TV is broken - DON'T USE IT
- Rival's face turns red if you try to name him
- Message for computer in player's room stays opened
- Message for Prof. Oak evaluating Pokédex stays opened
- Ashley backsprite is sometimes discolored and HP bar may be discolored during battles as Ashley
- Pallet Town berry system doesn't work quite right yet
- Slight hitch in Pallet Town Windmill
- Quite a few more, I'm sure
- colcolstyles, JPAN, TheDarkShark, and Jambo51 - Charmeleon/Charizard disobedience routine
- JPAN - Uncatchable Pokemon routine and awesome Fire Red Hacked Engine and his general knowledge
- doesntknowhowtoplay, Darthatron, & Jambo51 Phys/Spec split routines
- KDS - Updated Light Ball routine
- diegoisawesome - Force Male Gender in Intro patch
- HackMew - awesome tools like XSE, and general knowledge
- con-11 - Team Rocket trainer sprite
- mvidmaster - Mewtwo trainer sprite
Pokemon Ash Gray
- Alzatia - Ash trainer sprite (modified)- TaniJ
Pokemon Ash Gray Rom Download
- Trainer sprite base (used for Danny & Rudy), Cissy, Drake, and Lorelei trainer sprites-
Pokemon Ash Gray Kbh Games
FoxBluereaver - Slate sprite- Alistair - Xanadu Nursery tiles, special tree tile, and some flower tiles
- OceansLugiaSpirit - Professor Ivy OW sprite
- ShinyAeon - Tracey battle sprite

- Surav - Fallen Log Sprite (re-modelled)
- JohnnyRoll - B/W Grass (slightly altered)
- Kyledove and Speed - Various Diamond & Pearl Tiles
- Enterbrain and FlamingTeddyProductions - Modified playground sprites
- - Pokémon OWs and various tiles/sprites
- zappyspiker - BANNER 2 and 3
- Pyromaniac45 - BANNER 4
- Konekodemon - BANNER 5
- KurcioDurcio - BANNER 6
- Denali - Official Guide
- Me - Everything else
... If I've forgotten anyone, please let me know! I appreciate all the help I've gotten!
by zappyspiker
by zappyspiker
by Pyromaniac45
by Konekodemon
by KurcioDurcio
Click here to check out KurcioDurcio's Walkthrough
Unofficial Hack of the Week # 128
Hack of the Month - September 2010
- Why doesn't Pikachu follow you like in Yellow? Can you make it follow you?
- How do I beat Sabrina? Kadabra's way too strong!
1. Ash gets there early in the anime.
2. No Pokemon on Ash's team could even come close to beating it.
It's meant to be a challenge. If you want to beat Sabrina, it's suggest you level up Pikachu (use the Vs. Seeker if need be) so that it can outspeed Kadabra. Thunder Wave it to paralyze it, then have Bulbasaur use leach seed on the next turn. From there, just keep attacking/using potions or revives until it ultimately is knocked out.
- Why is my screen red when I go outside?
- I beat Misty, where do I go now? The path to Vermilion is blocked.
- How do I get into Koga's Gym? I don't understand the statue's riddle.
- How can I help Jigglypuff?
- Why won't Charmeleon/Charizard obey me? How can I make it listen?
- How do I complete the Lights, Camera, Quaction! event? The director doesn't like any of my Pokémon!
Download Game Pokemon Ash Gray 3.6.1 For Windows
- How do I start the Pokémon League? The guy at the gate says it still hasn't started yet.
* Strikethrough indicates the episode is completed
* √ = Beta-tested, metapod23 approved (for Beta 3.0)
Pokémon - I Choose You! √
Pokémon Emergency! √
Ash Catches a Pokémon √
Challenge of the Samurai √
Showdown in Pewter City √
Clefairy and the Moon Stone √
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City √
The Path to the Pokémon League √
The School of Hard Knocks √
Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village √
Charmander – The Stray Pokémon √
Here Comes the Squirtle Squad √
Mystery at the Lighthouse √
Electric Shock Showdown √
Battle Aboard the St. Anne √
Pokémon Shipwreck √
Island of the Giant Pokémon √
Beauty and the Beach √
Tentacool & Tentacruel √
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak √
Bye Bye Butterfree √
Abra and the Psychic Showdown √
The Tower of Terror √
Haunter versus Kadabra √
Primeape Goes Bananas √
BETA 1.0
Pokémon Scent-sation! √
Hypno's Naptime √
Pokémon Fashion Flash √
The Punchy Pokémon √
Sparks Fly for Magnemite √
Dig Those Diglett! √
The Ninja Poké-Showdown √
The Flame Pokémon-athon! √
The Kangaskhan Kid √
The Legend of Dratini √
The Bridge Bike Gang √
Ditto's Mysterious Mansion √
Electric Soldier Porygon √
Holiday Hi-Jynx √
Snow Way Out! √
Pikachu's Goodbye √
The Battling Eevee Brothers √
Wake Up Snorlax! √
Showdown at Dark City √
The March of the Exeggutor Squad √
The Problem with Paras √
The Song of Jigglypuff √
Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon √
A Chansey Operation √
Holy Matrimony! √
So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd √
Who Gets to Keep Togepi? √
BETA 2.0
Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden √
Princess vs. Princess √
The Purr-fect Hero √
The Case of the K-9 Caper! √
Pokémon Paparazzi √
The Ultimate Test √
The Breeding Center Secret √
Riddle Me This √
Volcanic Panic √
Beach Blank-Out Blastoise √
The Misty Mermaid √
Clefairy Tales √
The Battle of the Badge √
It's Mr. Mime Time √
Showdown at the Po-ké Corral √
The Evolution Solution √
The Pi-Kahuna √
Pokémon the First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back √
Make Room for Gloom √
Lights, Camera, Quack-tion! √
Go West Young Meowth √
To Master the Onixpected! √
The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis √
Bad to the Bone √
BETA 3.0
All Fired Up!
Round One - Begin!
Fire and Ice
The Fourth Round Rumble
A Friend In Deed
Friend and Foe Alike
Friends to the End
Pallet Party Panic
BETA 3.5
A Scare in the Air
Poké Ball Peril
The Lost Lapras
Fit to be Tide
Pikachu Re-Volts
The Crystal Onix
In the Pink
Shell Shock!
Stage Fight!
Bye Bye Psyduck
The Joy of Pokémon
Navel Maneuvers
Snack Attack
A Shipful of Shivers
Meowth Rules!
Tracey Gets Bugged
A Way Off Day Off
BETA 4.0
The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?
Get Along, Little Pokémon
The Mystery Menace
Misty Meets Her Match
Bound For Trouble
Charizard Chills
Pokémon the Movie 2000 - The Power of One
BETA 4.5
The Pokémon Water War
Pokémon Food Fight!
Pokémon Double Trouble
The Wacky Watcher!
The Stun Spore Detour
Hello, Pummelo!
Enter The Dragonite
Viva Las Lapras
The Underground Round Up
A Tent Situation
The Rivalry Revival
BETA 5.0
Various updates and special post game events
BETA 6.0
5/9/15 - beta 4.5.3 with fix for activated Make Room for Gloom event released
AshGray Beta 4.5.3
5/8/15 - beta 4.5.2 with bug fixes for Agatha and cutting trees in Snorlax event released
AshGray Beta 4.5.2
4/10/15 - Beta 4.51 with bug fixes for after North Pole, Krabby not appearing, and other glitches released
4/5/15 - Beta 4.5 released
7/20/13 - Beta 4.2 released with bug fixes
7/13/13 - Beta 4.1 released with bug fixes
7/10/13 - Beta 4.0 released covering through episode 98 - A Way Off Day Off
9/13/11 - Beta 3.6 released including new animations, tiles, scripts, and some fixed glitches
8/18/11 - Indigo League blackout after fourth round glitch fixed; releasing Pidgeot if you have Pidgeotto on Route 1 glitch fixed and beta 3.5.4 re-released
8/16/11 - Various glitches for Indigo League and Pallet Party Panic fixed and re-released as Beta 3.5.2 3.5.3
8/15/11 - Various glitches for Indigo League fixed and re-released as 3.5.1
8/14/11 - Beta 3.5 covering all of Indigo League has been released
8/3/11 - Working on episode 'All Fired Up'
7/30/11 - Working on Victory Road
Game Pokemon Ash Gray Spot
7/27/11 - Beta 3 bugs fixed and re-released as Beta 3.03
Pokemon Ash Gray Online Game
7/26/11 -