B Series Intranet Search And Settings

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Intranets apply the simple but powerful navigation paradigms of the Internet to corporate networks. Intranets help users share and analyze information, collaborate on projects, and find information.

If your network does not yet have intranet protocols in place, Office still supports some intranet­like features, such as hyperlinks between Office documents. With intranet protocols in place, however, you can integrate Office features and documents smoothly into your existing intranet.

On the Internet, a relatively small number of people (referred to as Webmasters) create content for very large audiences. Internet publishing is their business and content is their product, so they are willing to invest considerable time and effort to learn and use specialized HTML authoring tools. Most intranet users, by contrast, are not Webmasters, but rather business users who need to create, analyze, and share information without too much overhead. Intranet users must be able to create information for an intranet as easily as they do for printing. If it is difficult to publish to an intranet, the average user is not likely to do it.

Office incorporates functionality based on Internet standards into each application. This new functionality allows your workgroup to take full advantage of intranets as content producers and consumers. From an administrator's point of view, one of the best things about combining Office and an intranet is that this combination builds upon the work practices and user experience already in place in many organizations. For example, experienced Office users can immediately integrate Office documents into existing intranets; because all Office applications can import and save HTML documents, Office users can start creating HTML content using the tools they are already familiar with.

One issue that concerns many organizations developing intranets is balancing the requirements for security at the enterprise level with the free flow of information and collaboration on the desktop. Often organizations address this issue by separating their companywide and departmental intranets.

Typically, companywide intranet sites are managed by an IS department with a formal security structure that limits most users to read­only access of information. In addition, many organizations institute formal content­publishing procedures that allow only a select group to add or modify content on the intranet. At the workgroup or departmental level, intranet sites are more likely to consist of improvised collections of information and documents with less centralized control. The Office intranet tools described in this chapter integrate well into either scenario.

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This section describes tools and strategies you might want to deploy as an intranet site administrator.

Managing Intranet Content with Microsoft FrontPage

The FrontPage Web authoring and management program is designed for nonprogrammers, yet it is robust enough even for experienced Webmasters. FrontPage is a fast, easy way to create and manage professional­quality intranet sites. With easy­to­use tools such as WYSIWYG editing, wizards that guide you through the creation of your intranet site, and integration with Office, it has never been easier to set up an intranet. The capabilities of FrontPage are described in this section.

Authoring Tools

The FrontPage Editor allows users to create and edit pages for the World Wide Web without a detailed knowledge of HTML. Working with graphics is easy with automatic conversion to GIF or JPEG format and easy creation of graphical hyperlinks. Wizards and templates help you generate entire intranet sites or individual pages automatically, and even help you create a standard look and feel throughout your intranet.

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Site Management

The FrontPage Explorer gives you intuitive views of your entire Web site. If you move or rename a hyperlink, for example, FrontPage can automatically update all affected links. In addition, multiple team members can work on the site simultaneously.

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Integration with Office

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You can include Office documents on your Web site and manage them with FrontPage just as you would HTML documents. When you double­click a hyperlink to an Office document in FrontPage, FrontPage starts the appropriate Office application, rather than the FrontPage Editor.

Client/Server Flexibility

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Security features — including encryption, assigned Web access rights, and support of proxy servers — encourage collaboration and keep unauthorized visitors from modifying your intranet site. FrontPage Server Extensions allow FrontPage to work with leading Web servers, or you can use the FrontPage Personal Web Server to publish and test an intranet site on your own computer.