9dragons Server Files

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Tutorial 1.18 Server files, Including all needed files!

A RageZone forum member going by the name of Hexpor has released the source code for 9Dragons. According to Hexpor: This Source code server offical Build for: hdracclaim hdrjapan hdrmetel hdrnexon hdrnxinnertest hdropentest hdrotinner hdrrussia hdrvina ( Vietnam) It wont be long before the official private server is out. New European Server Wulong opening on The servers will not be available from 7am to 3pm on the 28th. Bonjour, As most of you know, we are currently running two different servers of 9Dragons. The French players play on Wushu, while the 9Dragons Germany server is Xialong. From 7am of the 28th of July, both servers will be closed.

What will we be needing?
Ok so here are the 1.18 Server files:
Mirror 1.18 server files mirror:
Credits for uploading this - Yeikel
1.18 Client:
MU links:
Wingless Client 1.18.part1.exe (200.0 MB)
Wingless Client 1.18.part2.rar (200.0 MB)
Wingless Client 1.18.part3.rar (200.0 MB)
Wingless Client 1.18.part4.rar (200.0 MB)
Wingless Client 1.18.part5.rar (200.0 MB)
Wingless Client 1.18.part6.rar (200.0 MB)
Wingless Client 1.18.part7.rar (3.9 MB)
1.18 client mirror:
Credits for uploading this - Yeikel
MF links:
If you are getting a Split Archive Blocked error from mediafire please create a mediafire account and log in and try to DL again. If same result save the files in your account then download from your account.
Use a premium link generator to download the parts.
IP Converter tool: http://forum.ragezone.com/attachment...ool-ipconv.zip9dragons Server Files
MsSQL 2005/2008
SQL Server Management Studio Express
Fixed WebServer to stop letting people register as a admin account: WebServer.rar9dragons Server Files
Not neccesary but fixes the whisper and mail bug in game, here is the PATCH <--- Credits to Timebomb
Now over to the main tutorial!
1a. Creating the databases
Create the following databases inside MsSQL 2005/2008:
- iris_logdb
- iris_gamedb
1b. Restoring iris_memberdb.bak
- Right click on Databases inside MsSQL and choose Restore Database...
Now a window will pop-up.
Now you will see some options, at To database: type iris_memberdb
Next on the same windows click on 'from device' and locate your 'iris_memberdb.bak' file!
And click OK
Now execute all .sql files to where they belong.
2a. Deleting users (that may still exist once the files were executed)
First we will check every database we just checked if it has a user named 175iris or 175web!
To do this expand: iris_gamedb > Security > Users
If there are users named 175iris or 175web, if so delete them!
Do this for the other 3 databases aswell!!
2b. Creating users
To do this expand, Security and RIGHT click Logins
Now choose New Login...
Username: 175iris
Now tick SQL Server authentication
Password: zida@()#(zk2
Tick 'Enforce Password Policy'
Now go to User mapping wich is located on the left.
And give the 4 databases we created 'db_owner' rights
Once done click OK.
2c. Creating Second User
Reppeat the same process as 2b.
but with this username and password:
Username: 175web
Password: tmvdemgmspdlgfd$$
ONLY gives this user db_owner rights for WEB_MEMBERDB!
2d. Re-check if 175iris has db_owner rights for the 4 databases!
3. Creating the ODBC
with user : 175iris
password : zida@()#(zk2
4. Creating an account!
- Goto DatabasesWEB_MEMBERDBProgrammability
Stored Procedures > Execute dbo.AC_sp_CreateAccount table.
- add username at @strGameAccount Value < change the value
- add password at @strGamePWD Value < change the value
- add pin 1234 at @strToGameP Value < change the value
- add sdf at @strTjUser Value < change the value
- add 1 at @strSex Value < change the value
- add 1 at @strage value < change the value
- add dsfsdf at @strBirthday value < change the value
- add fsdf at @strTrueid value < change the value
- add sdfsd at @strEmail value < change the value
- add test at @strErrinfo value < change the value
5.Editing the .cfg/.txt files!
Edit IrisAgentDemon.cfg and check the ip. (change the IP '' to your LAN Ip)
Edit IrisGameSrv.cfg and check the ip. (change the IP '' to your LAN Ip)
Edit IrisLogDemon.cfg and check the ip. (change the IP '' to your LAN Ip)
Edit IrisLoginSrv.cfg and check the ip. (change the IP '' to your LAN Ip)
Edit Serverinfo.txt and check the ip. (change the IP '' to your LAN Ip)
Edit Servertool.text and check the ip. (change the IP '' to your LAN Ip)
6. Installing LS and GS!
Run in order:
01_INSTAL_LS.bat (If an error would exist here you did not check if all 4 databases have db_owner ticked!)
02_INSTAL_GS.bat (If an error would exist here you did not check if all 4 databases have db_owner ticked!)
03_INSTAL_SERVICE_LS.bat (has to be run as adminstator to be able to install)
04_INSTAL_SERVICE_GS.bat (do the same as abover!)
05_INSTAL_SERVICE_AD.bat (do the same as abover!)
7. Editing client to your IP!
Open IP converter Tool:
Enter your LAN IP and click the arrow that faces down.
And copy the number that just showed up!
Now go to where you installed your client:
Right click 'StartGame' and select properties
At Target it should look like this C:Gameinteririsjam1.18irisclient.exe XXXXX
XXXX = the numbers you copied from IP Converter tool
Now click Apply and OK!
Next open up Patch.ini and change the IP '' to your LAN Ip!
8. Starting Server!
Open these batch files IN order!
- Start_AD
- Start_LS
- Start_GS
- Start_LD
Now open Servertool.exe, tick the first box and click on 'Game Master ON'
And leave Servertool.exe open!
9. Logging in on server!
Go back to your client folder, and run Startgame.exe AS administrator.
Now fill in your details and enjoy the game!
9dragons Server FilesCredits:
- Lucky (for the original Server Files (wich he never revived the links for!)
- Timebomb (For 1.18 Mirror upload)
- Me (for creating this tutorial and adding the missing parts that existed in Timebomb's 1.18 server re-upload)
Do not miss the 'LIKE' button!
Later i will post how to let others go on your server too! And a working GMtool, so stay low and wait ^^
Tutorial: Putting server online so others can connect!




Ports that need to be opened in your router:

All need to be opened as TCP!
IF YOU are having trouble killing a monster, and it regenerates it's HP upon being hit then read this the post I DID HERE
EDIT: for the people who keep asking me about a reupload!
This is my client, Resource.pack is f*cked, just open it in winrar, got to THE server files and put all the .text files from the resources INTO resource.pack
Or just find another client wich is the same version!
- E = Error
- A = Answer
- U = Error i don't know about ~
E. Processing Certification:
A. http://forum.ragezone.com/f641/tutor...ml#post7089124
E. IPCONV.exe DLL file missing?:
A. http://forum.ragezone.com/f641/tutor...3/#post6726160
E. 203 error code

9dragons Server Files Free

A. Run the client as administrator!!!
I'll post more errors later on.
Update: Working client with gmtool.
Language Patch:
runup_c.rar (43.0 MB)
In GMTool.exe, just type converted IP and set yourself to GM in database.

By GM Camlost:

Hi everybody,

We are excited to announce that this Thursday (2011/07/28) we are going to join our French and German 9Dragons Servers into one combined European server. This new server is going to be called Wulong.

The growth of the community on the new server will greatly enhance your gaming experience – we in turn will be able to channel all our resources and offer even more than before.

9dragons Server Files

In order to accomplish this joining a lot of work needs to be done. Therefore we will take all of our servers offline between 7 am and approximately 3 pm CEST on 2011/07/28.

What is going to happen to my accont?

Of course you are going to ask yourself right now: Are there any ramifications for my account and my characters? If you mainly played on the German server nothing is going to change for you (players that played on both servers intensively can find additional details here (English/French)). After the maintenance is done your client will simply patch itself and you can continue playing as before.

In order to celebrate the new server we are going to do a 48h marathon all double (XP, Skill-XP and droprate) event on all maps. This will start on Saturday, 2011/07/30, at 00:00 CET and will end Sunday (2011/07/31) at 23:59 CET.

We hope you are looking forward to the new server as much as we are!

Clan Gamescampus

By GM Sifu

New European Server Wulong opening on 28/07/2011
The servers will not be available from 7am to 3pm on the 28th


As most of you know, we are currently running two different servers of 9Dragons. The French players play on Wushu, while the 9Dragons Germany server is Xialong.

From 7am of the 28th of July, both servers will be closed. Instead, we are opening a new European server “Wulong”, where you can enjoy fighting against and with all other European players!

We expect the new server to open at 3pm.

You will not need to create new characters or download a new client. For the inconvenience, we will gift you a 7 Day Premium Package and a unique Epithet!

For further details, please read on :

What does it means for my account?

Most of the Wushu players will not notice any difference. Unfortunately, due to technical restrictions, your league-association and master&disciple status will have to be reactivated on the new server.

If you have played on both servers with your account, but you were only really active on one of them

In that case, only your most active account will remain after the transfer.

Example: I played on the French and German server with my Sifu account. My account on the German server only has a low character on it, that I only played a few. On the French server, my account has a high level character that I’m currently playing. In that case, your French account with all his characters will overwrite your German account.

You played on both servers with your account, and you were active on both servers.

If you were active on both servers, we’re going to create a new account for you on the new server, containing your French character(s). You will have then after the transfer two different accounts. The current one (example: Sifu) and a new one with a “_FR” at the end (example: Sifu_FR).

If this last case concerns you’re account, you will received from us an email with the new name of your account after the transfer and some other information.

9dragons Server Files Wiki

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to have a valid email address on your current account to receive this email! To check or update your current email address, just follow that link: http://www.gamescampus.eu/myaccount/myprofile.asp

What about my character(s) name(s) ?

As we will merge two different data base into one, it is likely that some character names will appear to be in duplicate. If you’re concerned by this issue, you will have the possibility to change to character name when connecting to the game. The name of your character will in that case appear in a yellow color, and a specific pop-up window will allow you to change your name when logging to the game.

After the transfer…

As soon as the transfer will be completed on the EU server, you’ll have access to your account again. You’re account will remain with the same user ID, password, items, inventory, etc…

As mentioned above, some data will unfortunately be impossible tro transferred on the new server, like Hero Bands and Leagues, fortress owners, the Master title and their Disciples or as well the Friends lists.

In addition to this, we will offer you a complete Double EXP/Drop/Skill event to complete the celebration from the 30th and 31st of July!

Don’t hesitate to ask us any question you should have about the new server directly on the forum.

Your 9Dragons Team

Questions questions…

1. If Gamescampus can merge servers without any licensing issues in the interest of players, why can’t GamersFirst do the same?

2. GM Sifu mentions this as the “EU Server”. Where does this put the soon-to-be EU server Phoenix? Will Phoenix ever be an EU server? Was it meant to be an EU server? Perhaps GamersFirst has been lying about making it an EU server all along.