Vaccination Program For Gamefowl

This page contains information on Fowl Pox Vaccine (Frozen) for veterinary use

Gamefowl Vaccine - Gamefowl Vaccine Protection by Agribusiness PhilippinesKnow the importance of the onset protection and how to determine this. A This is an example of a vaccination program. Individual programs are highly variable and reflect local conditions, disease prevalence, severity of challenge, and individual preferences. SB-1, MDV301, or Rispens strain may be combined with turkey herpesvirus in some areas. Vaccination for fowlpox and laryngotracheitis depends on local. Either the vaccine doesn’t work, or there are serovars causing the disease that the vaccine doesn’t cover. Given the high number of lepto serovars and the fact that there are so many strains of the disease that are not covered by the vaccines, the latter seems likely. In the US, serovar shift is the excuse given for the vaccine not working. Gamefowl Vaccine - Animal Vaccine for Gamefowl Health and Growth by Agribusiness Philippines Let's learn what vaccine is, its function and benefits to animal. Fowl Pox Vaccine For Gamefowl Sindur Lal Biraje Achchha Gajmukhko Song Pk Downlad Bus Driver Speed Models Megatrainer Experience 2013 Nuance Omnipage Professional 18 1 Keygen Rar Extractor Denford Cnc software, free download Manuale Italiano Yaesu Vx-6 Alquran Terjemahan For Pc Love Rain Korean Drama Eng Sub Torrent.

The information provided typically includes the following:
  • Fowl Pox Vaccine (Frozen) Indications
  • Warnings and cautions for Fowl Pox Vaccine (Frozen)
  • Direction and dosage information for Fowl Pox Vaccine (Frozen)

Fowl Pox Vaccine (Frozen)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Merial

Fowl Pox Vaccine, Live Virus

This vaccine contains a live strain of fowl pox virus that has been shown to aid in the prevention of fowl pox. It is recommended for subcutaneous injection of one-day-old chickens. The product consists of an ampule of vaccine and a container of diluent.


Give subcutaneously only.

Administer only as recommended.

Use entire contents when first opened.

Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter.

Penicillin and Streptomycin Sulfate are added as bacteriostatic agents.

Contains Amphotericin B as a fungistatic agent.

Burn this container and all unused contents.

Storage Conditions

AMPULES: Store in liquid nitrogen container.

DILUENT: Store at room temperature.

LIQUID NITROGEN CONTAINER: Carefully observe all liquid nitrogen precautions including wearing eye protection and gloves. Store in a cool, well-ventilated area. Check liquid nitrogen level daily. Keep container away from incubator intakes and chicken boxes. CAUTION: DO NOT HOLD AMPULE TOWARD FACE WHEN REMOVING FROM A LIQUID NITROGEN CONTAINER. NEVER REFREEZE A VACCINE AMPULE AFTER THAWING.

Fowl Pox Vaccine (Frozen) Indications

This vaccine is recommended for subcutaneous vaccination of healthy one-day-old chickens. It is essential that the chickens be maintained under good environmental conditions and that exposure to disease viruses be reduced as much as possible.


1. Dilute the vaccine only as directed, observing all precautions and warnings for handling.

2. Remove from the liquid nitrogen only the ampules that are going to be used immediately. Move quickly, but carefully.

Vaccination Program For Gamefowl

3. Place the ampule(s) in a large, clean container of water at 68° to 86°F (20° to 30°C) to thaw ampule quickly. Thaw the entire contents. Gently swirl the ampule to disperse contents. Break ampule at its neck and quickly proceed as described below.

4. Use 200 ml of sterile diluent for each 1,000 doses of vaccine to be injected subcutaneously. Remove the cover from the diluent container. Draw contents of the ampule into a sterile 10 ml syringe fitted with an 18 to 20 gauge needle. Slowly add the contents of the vaccine ampule to the appropriate volume of diluent. Withdraw a small amount of the diluent, rinse the ampule once and add this to the vaccine-diluent mixture. Mix the contents of the diluent container thoroughly by swirling and inverting the container. Do not shake vigorously.

5. Keep the container of diluted vaccine in an ice bath. Use the vaccine-diluent mixture immediately. Agitate as needed to ensure a uniform suspension of the cells.

Use Of Vaccine For Subcutaneous Injection

IMPORTANT: Sterilize vaccinating equipment by autoclaving a minimum of 15 minutes at 250°F (121°C) or boiling in water for at least 20 minutes. Never allow chemical disinfectants to come in contact with vaccinating equipment.

1. Use a sterile automatic syringe with a 20 to 22 gauge 3/8” to 1/2” needle that is set to accurately deliver 0.2 ml per dose. Check the accuracy of delivery several times during the vaccination procedure.

2. Inject chickens under the loose skin at the back of the neck (subcutaneously), holding the chicken by the back of the neck just below the head. The loose skin in this area is raised by gently pinching with the thumb and forefinger. Insert the needle beneath the skin in a direction away from the head. Inject 0.2 ml per chicken. Avoid hitting the muscles and bones in the neck.

3. Use the entire contents of the vaccine container within one hour after mixing the vaccine with the diluent.

Directions For Addition Of Blue Dye To Sterile Diluent

Blue dye may be aseptically added to sterile diluent using the following procedures:

1. Dye mixing chart:

Bag/bottle diluent size

200 ml
400 ml
600 ml
800 ml

1200 ml
1600 ml

1800 ml
2400 ml

Blue Dye to be added

0.5 ml

1.0 ml

1.5 ml

2. Swab top of rubber stoppers on dye vial and diluent container with alcohol; let dry.

3. Using a sterile syringe and needle, withdraw the contents of the vial.

4. Inject dye into diluent container and mix well.

5. Only Merial’s Marek’s disease vaccines may be used with this diluent. Add vaccine according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

6. Properly dispose of the dye container and any unused contents at the end of the day.

Liquid Nitrogen Precautions

The liquid nitrogen containers and vaccines should be handled only by properly trained personnel. These persons should be familiar with the Union Carbide publication “Precautions and Safe Practices - Liquid Atmospheric Gasses”, form #9888.

Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold. Accidental contact with skin or eyes can cause serious frostbite. Protect eyes with goggles or face shield. Wear gloves and long sleeves when removing and handling frozen ampules or when adding liquid nitrogen to the container.

Storage and handling of liquid nitrogen containers should be in a well-ventilated area. Excessive amounts of nitrogen reduce the concentration of oxygen in the air of an unventilated space and can cause asphyxiation. If drowsiness occurs, get fresh air quickly and ventilate the entire area. If a person becomes groggy or loses consciousness while working with liquid nitrogen, get the person to a well-ventilated area immediately. If breathing has stopped, begin artificial respiration. Call a physician immediately.


Do not vaccinate diseased birds.

Vaccinate all birds on the premises at one time.

Administer a full dose to each bird.

Avoid stress conditions during and following vaccination.

Do not place chickens in contaminated facilities.

Exposure to disease must be minimized as much as possible.

For veterinary use only.


Merial’s vaccines have met the requirement of the USDA in regard to safety, purity, and potency. This vaccine has been tested by the Master Seed immunogenicity test for efficacy.

Fowl Pox Vaccine (Frozen) Caution

The capability of this vaccine to produce satisfactory results depends upon many factors, including - but not limited to - conditions of storage and handling by the user, administration of the vaccine, health and responsiveness of individual chickens and degree of field exposure. Therefore, directions for use should be followed carefully. The use of this vaccine is subject to applicable local and federal laws and regulations.


MERIAL, INC., Athens, GA 30601 USA

U.S. Vet. Lic. No. 298

Product Code FPF-2675



Presentation: 5 x 2,000 dose vials, with 200 mL of sterile diluent included per 1,000 doses.

CPN: 1105019.2

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Fowl Pox Vaccine (Frozen) information published above. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the US product label or package insert.

Copyright © 2021 Animalytix LLC. Updated: 2021-07-29

This page contains information on Fowl Pox Vaccine for veterinary use.
The information provided typically includes the following:Gamefowl
  • Fowl Pox Vaccine Indications
  • Warnings and cautions for Fowl Pox Vaccine
  • Direction and dosage information for Fowl Pox Vaccine

Fowl Pox Vaccine

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Hygieia

live virus


Fowl Pox Vaccine is a chicken embryo propagated, freeze-dried, live virus vaccine for wing web administration in chickens.

Fowl Pox Vaccine Indications For Use

The vaccine is recommended for vaccination of healthy chickens aged 8 weeks or older but at least 4 weeks prior to start of lay. When used as indicated, it will aid in preventing the clinical signs caused by the virulent field strains of fowl pox virus.


Tear off the aluminum seal from the vial containing the freeze dried virus. Lift off the rubber stopper. Remove the seal and stopper from the diluent bottle. Each diluent bottle contains 10 ml of diluent. Pour half of the diluent into the vial containing the freeze dried virus. Replace the rubber stopper and shake the vaccine vial. Pour the partly dissolved vaccine into the diluent bottle to mix with rest of the diluent. Replace the rubber stopper and shake vigorously until the vaccine is dissolved completely. The vaccine is now ready for administration by the wing-web method. For administering the vaccine, hold the bird and spread the underside of one wing outward. Insert the double needle applicator into the vaccine bottle, wetting or charging both needles. Pierce the web of the exposed wing with the double needle applicator charged with vaccine. Insert the double needle applicator into the vaccine vial again and proceed to vaccinate the next bird. During vaccination avoid hitting large blood vessels, bones and the wing muscles with the double needle applicator. Do not inject in any other site except the exposed wing web.

Examination Of “takes”

Examine the site of vaccine administration for “take” at 6 - 8 days post-vaccination. A positive take showing that the vaccination was successful, is indicated by swelling or formation of a nodular lesion or scab at the site of inoculation. Swelling and scabs will disappear at about 2 weeks following vaccination. The absence of take may indicate that the birds were immune before vaccination or that improper vaccination methods were used.

Fowl Pox Vaccine Caution

Do not spill or splatter the vaccine. Burn containers, unused vaccine and accessories prior to disposal. Do not over dilute the vaccine or otherwise extend the dosage. Store unopened vaccine vials at not over 45° F or 7° C. Do not vaccinate within 21 days of slaughter or 4 weeks prior to start of lay. The vaccinated chickens should not be placed on contaminated premises. All susceptible chickens on the same premises should be vaccinated at the same time. If this is not possible, then strict isolation and separate caretakers should be employed for non-vaccinated chickens. Efforts should be made to reduce stress conditions at the time of vaccine administration.


The vaccine is supplied in 10 x 1000 dose vials with diluent, product insert and wing web applicators.

Rehydrate with 10 ml of diluent. For wing web administration in chickens. For veterinary use only.


Vaccination Program For Gamefowl Pdf

T: 530-661-1441

F: 530-661-1663

Vaccination Program For Gamefowl Chicks


U.S. Veterinary License No. 407

CPN: 1506010.0

P.O. BOX 8300, WOODLAND, CA, 95776
Lab/Main Office:530-661-1442 (telephone)
Fax:530-661-1661 (fax)
Adverse Reaction Reporting:530-661-1442 (telephone)
Fax:530-661-1661 (fax) (email)

Complete Vaccination Program For Gamefowl

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Fowl Pox Vaccine information published above. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the US product label or package insert.

Copyright © 2021 Animalytix LLC. Updated: 2021-07-29