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Torment Tides Of Numenera Character Editor
Feb 28, 2017 Torment: Tides of Numenera is probably unlike any game you’ve played before. Its spiritual predecessor, Planescape: Torment, is similar in terms of general themes, settings, tone, and other high-level elements, but even that game differs in some key ways. But if you’ve played any of the recent crop of top-down, isometric.
Torment sees you in the role of the Last Castoff whose consciousness manifested suddenly, seemingly from nowhere. You begin within the constructs of your mind wherein you play out scenarios of past memories or consciousness that defines you as a character. This is both a tutorial and a way for the game to get a sense of your decision-making style and assign you a suitable class and personality. This can be changed before finalising everything, but it serves as an adequate starting point based on how you handle the aforementioned situations presented to you.There are three classes in the game: Jack, Glaive, and Nano. In the simplest terms, these are roughly your Fighter-Thief-Mage archetypes that focus on Might, Speed, or Intellect for their base stats and abilities.
Having played through each of them, and the playstyles that I employed throughout the various forays through the first chapter, it became apparent that this was very much a stylistic choice of what you wanted to achieve in the long run. There is no right way, so the best advice anyone can give on this is to do things your way.Torment is very much about doing things your way throughout. Progression through the game is largely on a narrative level. The familiar box at the bottom of the screen with sprawling text and options of your responses as you dig deeper into a conversation or situation become a warm blanket on the cold nights. Torment goes beyond other CRPGs in this sense, though, because not only is the dialogue being shown to you, you’re also getting descriptive details of what your character perceives from the speaker; actions, small movements and gestures, postures, facial expressions. These all work to give you a greater understanding of the tone and conversation flow.
Developers inXile understand that language is not just about words spoken, but also how they’re spoken and body language. This part of the game I love! The result, however, is a text heavy game that will see you reading more than actually having direct input into your character. While this is something I’ve become accustomed to with the CRPG genre in general, newcomers may find this to be something of a barrier if the expectation was instant action and combat throughout.The game encourages avoidance of conflict and violence more than most that I’ve seen over the years, and it’s hugely satisfying to defuse a volatile situation by applying the right level of attention to detail and a silver tongue. Riling up an angry mob witnessing an execution to rally against the act will require you to sweet-talk multiple people and employ different methods of persuasion, communicating with a beetle-like race called the sticha, and more situations like this will require you to understand the situation and choose your words wisely and act accordingly.
Through the use of these types of conversations checking for ‘dice rolls’ on certain stats, you’re able to avoid combat completely and progress without even unsheathing your weapon.There is definitely combat in the game and while avoiding it is intrinsically rewarding to the point of being encouraged, combat isn’t skimped on in the slightest. Combat is known as ‘Crisis’ and becomes a character turn-based system that offers a level of strategy to the game. It will often provide you with varying options of how to tackle the encounter, too. Throw out the rulebooks of RPGs you know and put yourself in the mindset of a tabletop game like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder, because combat isn’t the only solution.Crisis consists of either movement or action to maintain a balance. You can move into position within a set distance around you and then take an action. Additionally, you can trade an action for more movement so that you can travel further, but will be unable to trade movement for two attacks.
Torment, as its namesake suggests, is utterly unforgiving and will test your combat abilities. It’s almost as if combat is something that inXile want you to do as a last resort and it can sometimes show in how challenging it is. The dice can sometimes feel like it’s constantly stacked against you, but to me this felt about right. You can shrug off some damage levelled against you and yours easily enough, but after the fifth time that hammer’s smashed your head, it’s going to make you a little sluggish. It should feel challenging, so I feel that this is a good balance.There’s something else that adds extra levels to both combat and conversations, and that’s the Effort mechanic. You’re able to raise your character’s Effort each turn, allowing you to apply your Might, Speed, or Intellect to actions.
Everything in the game works on chance, from persuasion attempts to swinging a weapon or casting a spell. Each of these has a base chance, so without applying any additional Effort to the action you will have a percentage chance of success – usually low at the beginning, but this is something that improves over time. Every point of Effort that you apply to an action takes away from your total stat pool for that activity.
For instance, my first character was a Nano with very high Intellect of 8 or 9 that meant I could apply this in rolls to ensure a 100% chance of succeeding on my Intellectual actions. Once those stat pools are depleted, you will be unable to apply extra Effort to anything else using that stat until you rest and recuperate, meaning you’ll be fighting or trying to persuade people with only the base “No Effort” chances. It would be like shooting a bow at long distance without taking a second to aim and regulate your breathing; it’s probably going to miss.This mechanic can become a gamble and has often left me clenching a fist while rolling the dice on a persuasion attempt, or when you finally come to battle and you’ve spent some of your energy on trying to persuade someone without avail. You’re now stuck in a conflict with fewer point available.
Use it wisely!Torment: Tides of Numenera leaves me craving more every time I save the game and turn it off. There’s an intrigue around every corner, there’s someone interesting to talk to everywhere you go and a few secrets that I’m sure I’ve missed despite how thoroughly I’ve pored over the text. The narrative and overarching story of The Changing God and the Castoffs that came before you is intriguing and quite a unique spin. It’s not about saving the world or any grand campaign of righteousness! It’s you and a lot of questions you want answered which is so intriguing in a market full of hero protagonists.The PlayStation 4 version of the game is just as good, however, there were a fair amount of times when the game stuttered a little, or froze temporarily. These issues aren’t a constant occurance, but certainly worth mentioning if you’re mulling over which platform to get the game on. Ignoring this, and you’re blessed with the same incredible game, but it did get frustrating at times.There are a few things that are not very clearly explained within the game in the version I played but these don’t seem to have a huge impact on the game.
The titular mechanic of the game – the ‘Tides’ is still something that’s not clearly explained in the dialogues I’ve had with characters in the game. In fact, it’s brushed off very nonchalantly with a quick “You won’t need to worry about this, once you get out there this will just happen automatically.” Not exactly comforting when this line follows an ominous “You would die without this.” This left me a little confused, but it seems to react and shift colours with actions you take, and seems to be a mechanic akin to Mass Effect’s Renegade/Paragon system – except with no true explanation that I’ve found within the game.Torment: Tides of Numenera is an absolute gem and could be the best CRPG of this era. At the very least it’s top 3!
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Torment Tides Of Numenera Achievements
Headsup: I too come from a DSA-heavy background and my initial thought was 'This game has no progression at all'. But as soon as I opened up my mind to a more narratively-driven playstyle I immediately fell in love with Numenera (and The Strange and FATE:-)With that aside: you can do almost anything with the Cypher System (the underlying system Numenera uses). There are examples for different races, vastly different character archetypes and all that stuff.For the hammer-wielding, strong human that is technologically versed I'd probably go with a 'Strong glaive who Fuses Flesh and Steel', but there are many other possibilities (especially with the Character Option supplement). Showed a more comprehensive list of possible combinations of foci and descriptors.
Torment Tides Of Numenera Xbox
Just keep in mind that your character concept in Numenera has less influence on the rule-aspects of the game but a strong narrative impact.Also I want to inform you that the Uhrwerk Verlag will release a which should come out this year. At first glance the Numenera creation system seems too simple. Only 3 types.But actually they can be more complex than a standard fantasy setting: elfs, mages, paladins etc.In Numenera you can be a Glaive, Nano, or Jack. There might only be three, but when you add in your focus you get interesting combinations. For example, Glaives are more than just fighters.
With the right focus and descriptor your glaive can be:A ranged sharpshooter that can control minds.A quick and stealthy glaive.A glaive that uses telekineses to help with combat.A glaive who raises the deadETC.I recommend a Glaive if you want to use a large hammer, but Jacks could as well. As for descriptor you could grab one that is intelligence based, or gives some knowledge of the Numenera. Last is focus. In a sense this is more your 'class' than anything. Grab one that sounds cool to you.The 3 types are so plain that they can be almost anything.
Numenera also has another feature that gives it more complexity: Cyphers. 1 use abilities. There are hundreds.I recommend grabbing the. If you don't like it, maybe one of your friends will.
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Wow Auto Loot Addon
Autoloot adds a better Autoloot mechanic to World of Warcraft. You can set a blacklist for items you dont want to loot, create a history of the last 20 looted items and their amount. Those functions are only a small preview.
The third fact is that you will love best Addons for wow BfA not only because they improve the interface and make it more adjustable for you exactly but because they help to level your hero. Apart from this, you will find how easy it is to find, download and install every single Addon you consider to be necessary. Jul 12, 2017 Anyone could suggest a really fast auto loot addon? Been using the autolootplus before but it aint being updated anymore. I just really need faster looting than blizz's auto loot. Just click the mob then start moving again, it instantly loots everything.
Functions: Version 1.2.Added: Some Icons for your Blacklist Entrys.Added: Auto - Roll (Greed, Pass, Disenchant.Added: The Blacklist works now Better and with less Problems.Added: Other Icons and Buttons.Added: Some Options to customize the Loot - Display.Added: You are now able to Invert the Blacklist. (Autoloot will only loot the Items at the Blacklist).Added: Complete Reset if something went wrong.Added: Copy the URL of Autoloot Ingame.Added: Filter by min-Selling price.Added: Windows now cant get outside of the screen.Added: Many tooltips.Redone: Complete GUI.Redone: The max. Size for the Blacklist, History and History Blacklist are set to 12 to increase the Performance.Redone: Deleted old code to increase Performance.Fixed: Some bugs and translation mistakes.Fixed: Blue Color (Loot Display) is now brighter.Fixed: The Gold history function now works correctlyFileActionautoloot.zip.
Comment by BobblybookI think this will satisfy my OCD fairly well for those mobs you can't loot, you know the type: Humanoids when you're questing that run away and die on an extremely steep cliff face which you spend 5 mins trying to get in range to loot, and end up sliding down the slope trying to quickly mash the mouse button to loot as it flies past and the loot cursor goes bronzish and then back to grey.Then trudge off in defeat, paranoid there's an epic or item of equivalent value on the one mob you can't reach.angry face. Comment by JoroesanThis is an amazingly useful item that unfortunately, most won't realize without using a macro. Without a macro you will either force yourself to use it just for the sake of using it or more often than not just run to the corpse to loot everything like normal.Here is an easy macro that will allow you to just hover over the corpse and use a keybind to loot it from a distance.#showtooltip/use Loot-A-RangIf you're like me however, you probably have too many buttons and would rather consolidate.
I have it macro'd in with my racial (Rocket Jump) which is bound to middle click. So if I'm hovering over a corpse and middle-click it loots the corpse; otherwise I Roooockeetttt Juuuuumppp away.!#showtooltip Rocket Jump(Racial)/use Loot-A-Rang/cast Rocket Jump(Racial)Happy Engineering! Comment by MgssidleyTwo macros that I made for this:This will use the Loot-A-Rang on whatever you are mousing over.#showtooltip/use Loot-A-RangThis will target the last target you had and use the Loot-A-Rang on it. Great for using on something you just killed.#showtooltip/targetlasttarget/use Loot-A-RangSadly I haven't been able to make a macro that uses the Loot-A-Rang on your mouseover(If you have one that's dead) if it can and if not then targets the last target and uses the Loot-A-Rang on them. Comment by crackleThe potential for this is seriously awesome.not unique, so if more than one was made would they have separate cooldowns?maybe some kind of/targetlasttarget/cast Loot-a-rangstyle macro incorporated into a cast sequence for looting without the need of a mouseclick?can an engineer please clarify, im really intrigued!:)Another useage for this kind of macro would be for anyone who likes the novelty of playing wow with a gamepad like an xbox controller. Although MASSIVELY impractical and requiring about a billion macros/mods, running about killing%^&.
without paying any attention and watching a movie or something would make leveling alts hella awesomeits the same mentality as making those old cover-all counter-slash all slash all-hp absorb style FF7 materia combos then leaving an elastic band on the controller for a few hours for automated power leveling;DEDIT.signing in opened up a whole macro discussion i couldn't see before which clears that up, but still interested about the shared CDs. Comment by barbequeThis item is very useful for ranged classes, since our mobs usually die some distance from us. Walking over to loot the mob is slow, cos we're, you know, walking. Mounting up to go over to the mount makes even less sense, since there's a cast time involved. Loot-a-rang fills this gap well.Some minor problems:Firstly, the 10-second cool-down is rather irritating, since we're often killing multiple mobs at range. Unless you have the luxury of looteranging each mob after it dies (while others are keeping you in combat), you will be forced to run over to the mobs anyway to loot them when they are all dead (or wait about 10s between each loot). This kind of defeats the purpose of having the loot-a-rang in the first place.Secondly, the Loot-a-rang has a short cast time, which simply means you can't lootarang on the move.
Comment by ConfessionSo I play a feral druid, you can loot while in shapeshift form, but doing so will shift you back into normal casterform!If you wanna fly around lootin' stuff youll just get de-birdied, leaving the loot-a-rang utterly useless.A small cast time- as said many times before, only loots one mob, the range is about 30 yards, and it cost me about 1k to make (yeah, ah prices are insane sometimes)However, it only requires 125 engineering to actually use, so making it for a toon youre lvling up might be a good idea:)Oh well, it's great for. Taking up another bag-slot or looting something close to more mobs you don't wanna pull,but as a collector I must have it! Gotta catch' em all!
Comment by si1808I have been using this for a while (and liking it).1. As a hunter I can loot from a distance without having to run up and get the item.2. In Tol Barad where you have to kill the ghosts who are fighting, as a hunter when I kill the ghost I can loot it without getting aggro from the other ghost.3. In Stonecore at the end the boss died in mid-air. Loot-a-rang saved the day.:)Other then that I am wondering if the drops are better when you loot? Or is this me being superstitious (like with fishing)? Comment by ArexxThis is FAR too expensive to make for what it does!
I mean, 5 hardened elementium and 5 electrified ether? That's 10 Volatile air (around 28G each on my server) and 50 elementium bars (10G each on my server)!
I'll take the gold (which is what you're looting for in the first place).If it looted all corpses in a specified radius and didn't have a cooldown and was instant cast, I would. Otherwise, this is one item I'll pass on. I used my hardened elementium to make a Volatile Thunderstick instead, which also got me 5 skill points.
Wow Auto Loot Addon
Comment by moozh84True story.The first Cata raid week of vodka, when we killed Valiona and Theralion, one of the dragons died mid-air. We only got half of the loot, and couldn't reach the dragon in the air to loot it.
I just happened to make a Loot-a-Rang while powerleveling my Engineering, and I was able to loot the body with it.About 15 minutes later, while clearing the trash to Ascendant Council, one of the elemental adds died under the ground, and we could see sparkles coming up from the floor. I used a /target macro, but it was targeting the other mob of the same type. So I waited for it to die and despawn (bodies despawn more quickly if they have been looted), and what do you know, I was able to target the mob under the ground and loot it, and it dropped a BoE epic!Even if I never use my Loot-a-Rang again, it paid for itself and gave us 4 epics in one night. Comment by LeronrollOkay. Since I havn't seen another post saying this, I will add in my two cents about the loot-a-rang after using it on multiple toons. Let's talk about each topic in order.Firstly, the material cost. The materials - volatile earth and hardened elementium bars - will be rather expensive on the majority of servers (and specifically, a loot-a-rang is about three thousand gold on my server) Whereas the engineering requirement is only at level 125.
This basically means that if you are one of the wealthy individuals whom either obtained your money legitimately by farming, playing the AH, or stealing / skimming out of your guild bank, you will be able to afford this for your alts who pack engineering to make them level faster or twink them. This is a convenience, but only for those whom can afford it.
Comment by GwiezIt's a lot more useful than some people think. You don't have to manually click on anything, for example/targetlasttarget/use Loot-A-RangAt first I was skeptical when I first made mine, and thought I would only use it when a mob died half the way up a cliff face or something. But I use it all the time on my mage, no more wasting a blink cooldown for me. And if you're making a second engineer, then chances are you have mining, and are more than capable of farming up the mats in a reasonably amount of time.
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Comment by AaroHere's how we imagined it:. Kill a mob, and it's body sparkles. Without missing a beat, click on the Loot-A-Rang, and it grabs whatever lootable body is closest while you continue fighting, saving you time and the ire of your party.How's how it actually works:. Kill a mob, and it's body sparkles. Click on the Loot-A-Rang, target the lootable body, and click. After a.5 second animation, it will grab the loot.Unless the body is very out of reach, you could click-loot it in the same amount of time. When you're dealing with multiple mobs, the cooldown here makes it fairly ineffective.I had hoped this would be very cool, something awesome that Engineers used on cooldown during dungeons.
What I got was a highly situational blue item that sits in my inventory 99% of the time. It's fairly low level, so I can't complain, but I had gotten excited.
Comment by HallerionJust to summarise the key points:. Requires you to have a corpse targeted. If you don't, it will bring up the glove. 30 yard range, 10 second cooldown and only loots one target per cooldown.
If you don't have autoloot and then close the loot window early, the cooldown still goes. The macro submitted above#showtooltip/useshould be put on a hotkey, otherwise the mouseover part obviously won't work. Only requires 125 Engineering and Binds on Use, so you can send one to your alts with Engineering. Comment by GandazarDon't waste time or materials crafting this, it's virtually useless. It only loots one target at a time, you need to pick the target manually, you have to be standing still, and you have to wait 10 seconds between targets. Plus, as far as I can tell, it doesn't even respect your auto-loot key, so you end up having to click more than if you simply shift-clicked the corpse (which takes 1-2 seconds, instead of 10).Apparently it used to auto-loot multiple corpses, but now its main function is to take up one bag slot (same as most engineering items.).

Ratacitoarea 2012 Online Subtitrat Gratis
Comment by cleric670This is one of the coolest and least used items i've ever seen SO to fix that i've been working on a macro to attach it to a commonly used ability, being a rogue I have it linked with my recuperate ability so during combat my recup. Functions the same but after battle i MOUSEOVER a dead target, hit the same button for recup.
And it casts my Looterang#showtooltip/console SoundEnableSFX 0/use Loot-A-Rang/cast recuperate/cast spell/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear/console SoundEnableSFX 1this will also prevent you character from saying the annoying 'i can't use that yet, that's not ready, I CAN'T DO THAT YET!' Speechthis macro tastes great and is less filling. Comment by smackdaHere is a shift-right-click bind macro for the that loots the target or the nearest corpse if you have none. Especially great for ranged one-shotters.1.
Create a macro called LOOTARANG with the following:/targetlasttarget/use Loot-A-Rang; Loot-A-Rang2. Enter the following command:/run SetBindingMacro('SHIFT-BUTTON2', 'LOOTARANG') SaveBindings(GetCurrentBindingSet)NOTE: You do not need to create a button on your bars for this, the second step binds the macro directly to the mouse button. Also you can change the button by changing 'SHIFT-BUTTON2' to say 'BUTTON3' (with no shift) or any button you want.NINJAA! Comment by gothnateOkay!
Time for some new information on this little beauty!First off, with the new AoE looting, this is spectacular with ranged classes.Second, the cooldown is only 3 seconds now, so there's no use in saving it for that special time when you can't get to a mob.Lastly, and this is the most important, You do NOT need a target to use it any longer! I've tested numerous times and have confirmed this!All of these put together completely negates the materials cost.
If you are a 125 or higher engineer and don't have this, you are seriously missing out. Comment by ReeferbutionMade this as soon as my engineering was high enough and it has seen plenty of use, especially while leveling through Pandaria. It has helped when mobs died on top of unclimbable terrain, or for those annoying mobs who run away when they reach X% HP. It has helped loot mobs after various bugs, and helps loot and time efficiency when soloing old raids with limited bag space (Standing next to jeeves, looting the dead mobs lying everywhere and vendoring directly).However, the point of this post is to bring attention to the fact that with the AOE loot option, this will instead bring up the loot table for the dead mobs at your feet instead of the loot table of the mobs that you are trying to loot with the Loot-A-Rang. As of 5.2 this item no longer requires a target.Slowly getting towards this being a useful item during questing After using it for some time now, I got to say that this is a great item, especially for us casters.
And since the loot multiple mobs in one go feature is implemented, the last frontier is the cast time. Let's hope for patch 5.3 on that one.P.S.: The cast time is not 5 seconds as displayed in the Spell Details. It's more like 0.1 seconds, but still enough to not be castable when moving. Comment by wowdude89so here is an awesome update that I haven't seenloot a rang + multiboxing = amazingonly time youll need to swap screens to loot is if you need to actually interact with an item in order to loot it, if the item drops off a mob then loot a rang will pick it up, and as I see posted on a different post it does in fact work with AoE looting.
So if you plow through 5-10 mobs that potentially drop your quest item loot a rang will still grab them.also there is no need for a weird looking macro/use Loot-A-Rang/follow main screen toononly problem with this macro is you have to click it 2 times, some reason the cast makes you stop following where as spells like steady shot don't effect follow. But still it takes less time to hit your macro button 2 times vs swapping to all your screens to loot. Comment by BMHunterMainCould someone clarify this for me. Is there any LEVEL requirement to use, or just the Engineering (125) requirement? I am curious because of this (Item Level 85) included in the tooltip.This item appears as if it can be used at a much lower level than what is required to make it. It takes Engineering (490) to craft, and provided that there is no level requirement to use aside from the Engineering (125), I could get one of these on one of my low-level Engineers to use far before I could ever make one myself. I would like to keep an eye on the AH and pick up the mats to build this and have a higher-level engineer make one for me, but I don't want to go through all that effort and expense only to find that I can't use it until my Engineer hits level 80 or 85 or something like that, due to an ilvl requirement.It seems to me that there wouldn't be any requirement to use aside from Engineering (125), but if somebody could confirm I'd really appreciate it.
I haven't seen many items with a specified ilvl that doesn't somehow limit who can & can't use them. Comment by jjanchan This item has become a Toy as of the Legion pre-patch! Pack rats rejoice!Note that this item is a separate Toy from - so if you're a collector, you'll want to snag both!LEGION ENGINEERING TOYSMost Engineering Toys are Bind On Use.
While their schematics are fairly easy to get, you can also have another Engineer craft them, or they can be purchased on the Auction House if someone happens to be listing them.A few more notes:. You DO NOT need to be an Engineer to learn the profession Toys and add them to your collection! You need to have Engineering of the appropriate skill (and Goblin or Gnomish specialization, if applicable) to USE the item from your Toy box. The above is useful to know if you are gunning for achievements like (which rewards the mount ), as you do not need to be able to use the Toy for it to count for such achievements. Many of these profession Toys are 'hidden' in your Toybox until you learn them - you will not see them, even if filtered for Toys you have not collected.
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This may throw you off if you are using the Toybox as a guide for what Toys you have not obtained.Below is a list of teleportation devices that have become Toys as of the Legion pre-patch.ItemCommentsBind-on-Use. Requires Goblin Engineering. Schematic is learned from in, - if you are a Goblin Engineer with 260 skill, he will teach it to you simply by speaking to him. Requires 260 skill to use.Bind-on-Use.
Requires Gnomish Engineering. Schematic is learned from in, - if you are a Gnomish Engineer with 260 skill, he will teach it to you simply by speaking to him. Requires 260 skill to use.Bind-on-Use. Requires Goblin Engineering.
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Schematic is learned from in, - if you are a Goblin Engineer with 350 skill, he will teach it to you simply by speaking to him. Requires 350 skill to use.Bind-on-Use. Requires Gnomish Engineering.
Schematic is learned from in, - if you are a Gnomish Engineer with 350 skill, he will teach it to you simply by speaking to him. Requires 350 skill to use.Bind-on-Use. Schematic is learned from Engineer trainers at 435 skill.
Requires 415 skill to use.Crafted by Engineers. Schematic is learned from Engineer trainers at 570 skill. Requires 500 skill to use.Bind-on-Use. Learned from, sold by / , or the Engineering vendor in your garrison Engineering Works for 1.
Requires skill level of 1 to learn the schematic, but skill level of 500 to use the item.Bind-on-Pickup. Learned from, sold by / , or the Engineering vendor in your garrison Engineering Works for 1.
Requires skill level of 1 to learn the schematic, but skill level of 600 to use the item.Bind-on-Pickup. Schematic is learned from Engineer trainers at 600 skill.Bind-on-Use. Requires Gnomish Engineering. Schematic is learned from Engineer trainers at 500 skill. Requires 500 skill to use.Bind-on-Use. Schematic is learned from Engineer trainers at 490 skill. Requires 125 skill to use.Bind-on-Use.
Schematic is learned from Engineer trainers at 425 skill. Requires 425 skill to use. Comment by Karp7 This item is becoming a toy in Legion!EDIT:Due to the popularity of this tool I have created a Wowhead!
Check it out and feel free to leave suggestions for me in the comments:)I figured it's better now than later to start farming the old items that will be converted to toys in Legion. Who knows if they'll lower drop rates or how heavily they will be camped once they're added to the toybox.I made myself a Google Sheets document to track all the toys being converted and it has the ability to mark off the item once you've found it. With the filters I can then hide any marked off toys. This has really helped me find and track the long list of items and I wanted to share it with the community. I've heavily cleaned it up for sharing purpose, so feel free to use it as you please!.
Follow this link:. Log into a Google account. Click on 'File'.
Click on 'Make a copy.' This will add an editable copy of the spreadsheet to your drive!Alternatively you can download it as a.xlxs or.ods file, but I haven't checked this for compatibility.Happy hunting:). Comment by SarthoriusThis is the macro I've been using since WoD, I introduced Draenor's Loot-a-rang, for the characters that don't have engineering (too bad Blizz limited it for Draenor areas only.- ), and for the Legion new long-range skinning knife, you'll just need to place cursor on top of a friendly target (I use my toon icon in the UI) to use it. I keybinded it to 'R' on my keyboard, in close range for fast pressing, other people might feel mor confortable putting it on other. It will target dead bodies for loot/skinning and clear it if there are no bodies with loot/ready to be skinned (if you have skinning).#showtooltip/cleartarget/use Mother's Skinning Knife/use Loot-A-Rang/useI decide to post this, because in BfA, blizz made the toy requiring that you only have engineering (at skill lvl 1), instead of it needing the toon to have the previous 100-150 skill.
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So, it may be a good option, while leveling any toon now, to get engineering on them, at least untill you get close or at the max level, when you can swap it for any other profession of choice.